Juvenile Justice Reform Act Tribal Provisions Fact Sheet
Connect & Thrive: Maintaining Tribal Youth Connections During a Public Health Crisis
OJJDP News @ a Glance, March/April 2020
The AMBER Advocate, Issue 1 2020
The First Three Hours
AMBER Alert in Indian Country: Protecting Children in Tribal Communities
Tribal Justice Advisory Group Final Report, August 27, 2010
Bureau of Justice Assistance Programs that Support Rural and Tribal Justice
Implementation Sites Project
Measuring Compliance With the Indian Child Welfare Act: An Assessment Toolkit
Notes from the Field: How Grantsmanship Can Help a Tribal Police Department
A list of OJP topics.
Law Enforcement Resources
OJP, along with DOJ partners, are committed to supporting and protecting America's law enforcement. Featured resources include officer safety & wellness, DOJ resources, VALOR, tribal law enforcement, and helping law enforcement combat opioids.