This issue of OJJDP's News @ a Glance details OJJDP's virtual Tribal consultation event, highlights the activities of a youth peer guide in Indian country, and includes special features on interventions for children with sexual behavior problems, training of juvenile prosecutors, and a meeting of the Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice.
This issue's top story and Message From the Administrator describe OJJDP's virtual Tribal consultation, attended by 288 Tribal leaders and representatives from across the country. The Youth Voices section highlights the activities of a youth peer guide in Indian country. Special features include descriptions of interventions for children with sexual behavior problems, OJJDP-supported training of juvenile prosecutors, and a July meeting of the Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice. News in Brief discusses an OJJDP-funded online training for law enforcement officers on children's exposure to violence, the launch of new Department of Justice grants and payment management systems, an early family/parent training practice rated "effective" by, a report on Prison Rape Elimination Act data collection activities, and COVID-19 resources for youth and families.
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