This is a summary of the accomplishments of Operation Lady Justice (OLJ), which was launched by the Presidential Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) to enhance the operation of the criminal justice system and address the concerns of AI/AN communities regarding missing and murdered people, particularly missing and murdered women and girls.
The 2-year Task Force was formed under Executive Order 13898 on November 26, 2019. The Task Force has focused on meeting with tribal leaders and communities, improving the response by law enforcement, communities, and systems, reviewing research and data collection, and developing an outreach campaign. Since beginning work in late January 2020, the Task Force has conducted listening sessions with various leadership bodies regarding their needs related to the mission of Operation Lady Justice; launched the Task Force website to provide access to training and information resources; formed working groups to develop various protocols, education and outreach access, and best practice guides. Ongoing projects include the revitalization of Volunteers in Police Service to use community volunteers in missing persons cases, compiling ideas for legislation to address identified policy gaps or legal issues, met with AI/AN leaders to learn about field experiences in their communities, and coordinated efforts with other federal commissions and task forces on issues relevant to Operation Lady Justice.
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