Home environment
Influence of a Family-Focused Substance Use Preventive Intervention on Growth in Adolescent Depressive Symptoms.
Influence of a Family Program on Adolescent Smoking and Drinking Prevalence
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 1998
Neighborhood Context of Racial And Ethnic Disparities In Arrest
Virtual Training Tool Allows First Responders To Train Across Jurisdictions and Disciplines
Neighborhood Disadvantage, Individual Economic Distress and Violence Against Women in Intimate Relationships
Does Dropping out of School Enhance Delinquent Involvement? Results From a Large-Scale National Probability Sample
Mapping Parole Caseloads
Effects of Work on Hitting and Hurting
Linking Gender, Minority Group Status and Family Matters to Self-control Theory: A Multivariate Analysis of Key Self-Control Concepts in a Youth-Gang Context
Correlation Between Race and Domestic Violence is Confounded with Community Context
Parental Drug Testing in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases: The Washington, D.C. Experience
Race and Economic Marginality in Explaining Prison Adjustment
Estimating the Population at Risk for Violence During Child Visitation
Chinese Birth Cohort: Theoretical Implications
Cognitive Impulsivity and the Development of Delinquency from Late Childhood to Early Adulthood - Moderating Effects of Parenting Behavior and Peer Relationships
Crime Prevention-International Experiences
Family Influences on Female Offenders' Substance Use: The Role of Adverse Childhood Events among Incarcerated Women
Can Corrections Operate Therapeutic Communities for Inmates? The Impact on the Social Environment of Jails
Impulsivity, Offending, and the Neighborhood: Investigating the Person-Context Nexus
America's Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2004
TechBeat, December 2018
There is no single definition of a gang, but there are a number of widely accepted criteria for classifying groups as gangs (Decker and Curry, 2003; Esbensen et al., 2001; Klein, 1995; Miller, 1992; Spergel, 1995). This review used the following criteria: (1) the group has three or more members, generally aged 12-24; (2) members share an identity, typically linked to a name and/or symbols...