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French Alternative: Delinquency Prevention and Child Protection in France

NCJ Number
Lay Panel Magazine Volume: 23 Dated: (April 1990) Pages: 18-19
P Ely; C Stanley
Date Published
2 pages
The French system for dealing with juvenile delinquency and child protection focuses on the family rather than ascertaining what precise actions have taken place.
The job of the Children's Judge is to manage the inclusion of the child into conventional life. Every stage of the investigation is under the control of the judiciary. After the judge has made a decision, he must be consulted by the social workers if any important change in the plan is considered. The French system has evolved because of that society's belief that juvenile delinquency is not a threat to social stability. Their decision makers focus on the nature of the family rather than on the characteristics of specific criminal acts or of specific instances of neglect or abuse. France is paternalistic as compared to other countries which limit the power of the State over the individual.