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Overview of Tuberculosis in Jails in the United States for Health Care and Administrative Corrections Professionals

NCJ Number
American Jails Volume: 10 Issue: 4 Dated: (September-October 1996) Pages: 45-50
M R Goodman
Date Published
6 pages
Tuberculosis is discussed with respect to its characteristics, epidemiology and infectivity, an approach to diagnosis and screening, and treatment, with emphasis on the implications for correctional professionals and health care provider.
The incidence of tuberculosis varies widely among geographic areas. Densely populated urban areas may have a high incidence and concomitant drug resistance. Health care providers and corrections managers need to work with their respective State Boards of Health and tuberculosis control to ensure a knowledge base and understanding of the issue. Environmental controls are crucial in reducing the risk of the spread of tuberculosis. Many of these controls are difficult in cramped jail settings. Treatment involves a multidisciplinary strategy in both correctional settings and the community. Corrections managers need to implement appropriate and cost-effective screening program, and a close working relationship with local health authorities. Glossary

Sale Source
Sage Publications, Inc

2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, United States

Publication Type
Report (Technical Assistance)
United States of America