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What's So Important About School Climate? (From School Climate, P 3-5, 1987, H. Jerome Freiberg, et at, ed. -- See NCJ-117061)

NCJ Number
M S Norton
Date Published
3 pages
This discussion of a school's organizational climate suggests ways that a school can improve its 'collective personality.'
The climate sets the tone for the school's approach in meeting stated goals and resolving problems, affects creativity and trust, and influences attitudes toward continuous personal growth and development. Several instruments have been used to assess a school's climate. In addition, both experimental and empirical evidence suggest ways that school personnel improve a school's climate. Effective schools have been found to be those that place a high importance on the academic life of students, emphasize rewards rather than punishments, have a pleasant environment for students, are consistent in the way students are treated, and have active student participation in the life of the school. Wood has suggested a specific program to foster healthy school climate that includes individualization of instruction, improved systems of communication, new alternatives for learning, and efforts to make human relationships more personal. Clark has identified important factors as total student involvement in the learning process, individualized performance expectations, a varied learning environment, and a varied reward system. Stewart has pointed out the direct link between classroom management and school climate. Steiner has focused on the need for special attention to communication, encouragement of varied idea systems, contact with the outside world, heterogeneous personnel policies, and allowing employees to have fun. 16 references.

Sale Source
Phi Delta Kappa

Box 789, Bloomington, IN 47402, United States

United States of America
Reprinted from Contemporary Education, volume 56, number 1, Fall 1984.