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Tuberculosis Control in a Military Prison

NCJ Number
Journal of Prison and Jail Health Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring/Summer 1985) Pages: 39-45
S T Hayne; T T Allmond; W M Lednar; G E Brown
Date Published
7 pages
Intra- and extra-prison spread of tuberculosis is a major health problem in have a negative tuberculum skin test, an admitting physical examination performed on all arriving inmates and chest x-ray, if indicated, will aid in identifying anergic inmates and TST positive inmates suffering from tuberculosis infections. These procedures can substantially reduce the risk of introducing active cases of tuberculosis into the general prison population. If incarcerated inmates are diagnosed as having active tuberculosis, a tuberculosis skin test screen of the inmate population and prison personnel should be conducted. Appropriate anti-tuberculosis chemoprohylaxis or chemotherapy can readily control the tuberculosis infection and disease. Annual tuberculosis testing of both inmates and personnel should be performed until a documented low skin test conversion rate is achieved for both groups. (Author abstract)