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Interviewing and Counseling Juvenile Firesetters - The Child Under Seven Years of Age

NCJ Number
K Fineman; C S Brudo; E S Brudo; C Morris; L Michaelis; J B Day
Date Published
50 pages
This manual for fire service personnel provides suggestions for identifying and dealing with children who set fires.
Its goals are to teach how to recognize children's problems which may lead to recurrent firesetting; to inverview firesetting children and their families; to educate curiosity firesetters and their families; to select children and families for professional mental health assistance based on the severity of their problems; and to refer children and their families for appropriate mental health assistance. The first section explores firesetting behavior and lists traits commonly found in children who set fires. In the second section, child, family and school interviews are considered. Suggestions for dealing with uncooperative parents, determining a child's level of understanding, and for establishing good rapport are included. The third section focuses on the categorization of children's behavioral problems. Sample category profile sheets illustrate categorization methods and the interpretation of findings. The fourth section discusses methods of intervention. Suggestions for teaching children the dangers of matches and for modifying behavior are presented. In the fifth section, the referral process is explained, and the types of public and private agencies which are available to provide assistance are listed. An appendix contains a family interview and evaluation form, a parent questionnaire, and a child interview form for children under 7 years of age.

Sponsoring Agency
US Federal Emergency Management Agency

Washington, DC 20472, United States

Corporate Author
Los Angeles Cty Fire Dept

1320 North Eastern Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90063, United States

Sale Source
Superintendent of Documents, GPO

Washington, DC 20402, United States

National Institute of Justice/

Box 6000, Dept F, Rockville, MD 20849, United States

Publication Type
Training (Handbook/Manual)
United States of America