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Intensive Learning: An Answer to the Dropout Crisis

NCJ Number
NASSP (National Association of Secondary School Principals) Bulletin Volume: 75 Issue: 538 Dated: (November 1991) Pages: 25-30
M E Ryan
Date Published
6 pages
This article recommends an intensive education format for students at risk of dropping out; the design and benefits of such a program are described.
An intensive education format can be implemented by adopting the summer school format during the regular school year. An intensive learning format can fit into a district's 36-week calendar by providing 3-week sessions of 5 hours of instruction a day on a single subject. The sixth hour could be spent in an elective field. Thus, a student who takes an intensive course in U.S. history would complete a semester's work in 3 weeks. Over the length of the 36-week school year, a student would enroll in 12 such courses. Absenteeism would be controlled by a rule of no more than three absences during any 3-week session. Under this format, more time is allocated to academics and less time to the logistics of moving from classroom to classroom. The difficulties of adjusting to a number of different teacher personalities and teaching methods are also minimized. Advantages for the teacher are reduced class size and longer periods in which to structure a curriculum. Also, the teacher provides the student with a meaningful adult role model for an extended period of time each day. An enhanced student-teacher relationship enriches the educational process. 6 references