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Health Status, Sexual and Drug Risk, and Psychosocial Factors Relevant to Postrelease Planning for HIV+ Prisoners

NCJ Number
Journal of Correctional Health Care Volume: 19 Issue: 4 Dated: October 2013 Pages: 278-292
Daniel J. Feaster, Ph.D.; Olga Grinstead Reznick, Ph.d., M.p.h.; Barry Zack, M.p.h.; Kathleen Mccartney, M.A.; Steven E. Gregorich, Ph.D.; Ahnalee M. Brincks, Ph.D.
Date Published
October 2013
15 pages
This study describes the prerelease characteristics of 162 incarcerated HIV-positive men (40 from jails and 122 from prisons).
The prevalence of HIV infection among male prison inmates is significantly higher than in the U.S. population. Adequate planning to ensure continued medication adherence and continuity of care after release is important for this population. This study describes the prerelease characteristics of 162 incarcerated HIV-positive men (40 from jails and 122 from prisons). The results include a demographic description of the sample and the participants' sexual risk behaviors, substance use, health status and HIV medication adherence, health care utilization, mental health, and family and social support. The results highlight a potentially high level of need for services and low levels of support and social connectedness. Postrelease planning should include support for improving HIV medication adherence as well as reducing both sexual and injection drug-related transmission risk for these individuals. Abstract published by arrangement with Sage Journals.