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Daily Organisational Hassles and Uplifts as Determinants of Psychological and Physical Health in a Sample of New Zealand Police

NCJ Number
International Journal of Police Science and Management Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Dated: Spring 2008 Pages: 179-191
Christine Stephens; Leith A. Pugmire
Date Published
13 pages
This study examined the role of minor daily events as determinants of psychological stress.
Tests of relationships between “hassles”, “uplifts”, and health show that hassles were not positively correlated with uplifts and that the hassles and health relationship was not moderated by uplifts; however, the prediction that more hassles than uplifts would negatively affect health was supported. The study investigated the roles of minor daily events (organizational hassles and uplifts) as determinants of psychological distress and self-rated health. The results suggest that both decreasing hassles and increasing uplifts are promising approaches to organizational improvement of health. Some suggestions for the improvement of the police specific measure of hassles and uplifts were made for future exploration of the relationship between positive and negative experiences at work in regard to stress. Data were collected as part of a prospective study conducted with police officers at the beginning of their careers. Participants were 326 police officers who were self-selected from the 693 recruits who entered Police College in New Zealand between September 1997 and September 1998. Participants were between the ages of 19 and 45, mostly male, of New Zealand European ethnicity, half married, half single, and over half with a university degree or trade certificate. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire. Tables, references