Trauma-informed care
A Message from Michael: Prosecuting a Religious Leader for Sexually Abusing a Child
OJJDP News @ a Glance, December 2024
TeleSAFE Toolkit: A Step-by-Step Guide to a Trauma-Informed Program
Remarks of Acting Assistant Attorney General Brent J. Cohen at the Department of Health and Human Services and Office of Justice Programs Justice-Involved Youth Webinar
Thank you, Dan [Tsai], and thank you, Jesse [Cross-Call]. I’m really pleased to be part of today’s webinar, and very glad to see so many people from across systems and sectors, coming together to improve health outcomes for justice-involved youth.
Let me thank Alissa Deboy, Melissa Harris and everyone from the Medicaid Benefits and Health Programs Group...
National Mentoring Resource Center Key Topic: Foster Care Youth
Northeast Regional Children's Advocacy Center Team Talk Podcast
Remarks of AAG Amy L. Solomon at the Meeting of the CCJJDP
Thank you, Liz [Ryan]. And thank you, Julie [Herr].
Good afternoon. It’s great to see everyone again. I’m excited for today’s meeting of the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. We’ve got a great conversation in store this afternoon. We’ll be talking about trauma-informed and healing-centered approaches, and I want to thank our federal colleagues who will take part in today’s panel.
CASE STUDY: Building Mutually Beneficial Partnerships With Universities—A Focus on the Martinsburg, West Virginia, Initiative
Trauma-Responsive CVI Practice: What Does It Mean and What Does It Look Like?
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