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2019 OJP Grant Application Resource Guide

Archival Notice

This is an archive page that is no longer being updated, it is provided for reference purposes only.  It was current when produced, but is no longer being maintained, the content may be outdated and may contain links that no longer function as originally intended.  Please visit the current OJP Grant Application Resource Guide for the latest updates and resources.

The 2019 Office of...



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Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Program Reauthorization Act Of 2016

The Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act of 2016 was recently enacted. BVP has been extended to fiscal year 2020.
Public Law No: 114-155.  ( TXT | PDF )

Bulletproof Vest Partnership Act of 2010

Appropriations language  ( DOC )

Bulletproof Vest Partnership Act of 2009

Section 2501 of title I of the 1968 Act is codified...

Information Quality Guidelines

This guidance provides an overview of the Office of Justice Programs' (OJP) efforts to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility and integrity of information disseminated to the public. It also describes the agency's administrative mechanisms for affected persons to seek and obtain correction of information disseminated by OJP that is not considered to comply with OJP, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) or Department...

Patrick Leahy Bulletproof Vest Partnership

This program reimburses states, units of local government, and federally recognized Indian tribes for up to 50 percent of the cost of body armor vests purchased for law enforcement officers.