Forensic intelligence
Promising Practices in Forensic Lab Intelligence
Collaborative Exercise: Analysis of Age Estimation Using a QIAGEN Protocol and the PyroMark Q48 Platform
Collaborative Exercise: Analysis of Age Estimation Using a QIAGEN Protocol and the PyroMark Q48 Platform
Intelligence and the Value of Forensic Science
Intelligence and the Value of Forensic Science
What FSSP Leaders Should Know About Artificial Intelligence And Its Application To Forensic Science In-Brief
Missing data reconstruction using Gaussian mixture models for fingerprint images
Cold Cases and Serial Killers (Part 1)
In April 2018, the Golden State Killer, Joseph DeAngelo was arrested. NIJ support helped lead to his arrest, and in the aftermath of the arrest, NIJ Social Science Analyst Eric Martin was among those tasked with finding other cases NIJ helped law enforcement solve. Eric joins the show to talk about some of those cases, and answer some broader questions about serial killers: What is a serial killer? Are they on the rise? How do we know how many serial killers are currently active?
Image Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Architectures for Medical and Forensic Applications
National Institute of Justice Gives Overview of Forensic Intelligence Approaches to Data-Driven Policing
National Institute of Justice Gives Overview of Forensic Intelligence Approaches to Data-Driven Policing
The Office of Justice Programs’ National Institute of Justice today published a report summarizing current practices in Forensic Intelligence, a project in which subject matter experts examined the application of forensic intelligence models that support law enforcement and modernization efforts.
“We’re accustomed to thinking about forensic data as something that goes from...