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NIJ Journal No. 282 — Violent Crime

NCJ Number
NIJ Journal Volume: No. 282 Dated: 2023
Date Published

This issue of the NIJ Journal focuses on violent crime.


The latest NIJ Journal highlights the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) research on violent crime. Two articles in this issue examine particularly insidious forms of violence: school shootings and mass shootings. One article in this issue details specific efforts to work with organizations around the world to better understand these crimes and advance evidence-based interventions. Two articles in the issue reflect the NIJ’s commitment to evaluation. One article in this issue explores how a forensic intelligence approach to law enforcement has the potential for advancing the detection, investigation, and prosecution of serial and organized violent crimes in jurisdictions across the United States. Another examines how prioritizing cold case investigations can assist in apprehending persons who chronically offend, resolving crimes, and preventing future ones. The NIJ Journal, published several times a year, features articles to help criminal justice policymakers and practitioners stay informed about new developments. The NIJ Journal presents research-based information that can help inform policy decisions and improve understanding of the criminal justice system. Each issue of the NIJ Journal focuses on a single theme, allowing the articles to dive into one specific topic from different scientific points of view. In this issue, scientists share some of the latest evidence on violent crime.