Substance Use Initiation Among Justice-Involved Youths: Evidence From the Pathways to Desistance Study
Interlaboratory Evaluations of the Performance of Elemental Analytical Methods for the Forensic Analysis and Comparisons of Electrical Tapes
Response to "Likelihood Ratio as Weight of Evidence: A Closer Look" by Lund and Iyer
Does GPS Supervision of Intimate Partner Violence Defendants Reduce Pretrial Misconduct? Evidence From a Quasi-experimental Study
Time Radically Alters Ex Situ Evidentiary Soil 16S Bacterial Profiles Produced Via Next-Generation Sequencing
An Information Gap in DNA Evidence Interpretation
Improving Analysis of "Trace DNA" Evidence
Gunshot Detection Systems: Considerations for Prosecutors
The Impact of False or Misleading Forensic Evidence on Wrongful Convictions
Assessing three soil removal methods for environmental DNA analysis of mock forensic geology evidence
Assessing three soil removal methods for environmental DNA analysis of mock forensic geology evidence
Progressing from Evidence to Action
A large body of research on crime and justice is available, yet it can take years for findings to influence practice in the field. During a recent panel at NIJ’s 2023 National Research Conference, researchers and practitioners shared ideas and discussed practical steps and promising new approaches to inspire change. Three guests join the show to continue their conversation: Dr. Tamara Herold, a senior advisor to the NIJ director, Dr. Nancy La Vigne, hosts Dr. Shon Barnes, the police chief of the Madison (Wisconsin) Police Department, and Dr.