Targeted-Ion Mass Spectrometry for the Identification of Forensically Relevant Biological Fluids and Samples from Sexual Assault Evidence
Just Science Podcast: Just Using Inadvertently Photographed Ridge Detail as Evidence
eHealth Familias Unidas: Efficacy Trial of an Evidence-Based Intervention Adapted for Use on the Internet with Hispanic Families
Defensive Gun Uses: New Evidence From a National Survey
Implementing Evidence-Based Strategies to Reduce Overdose Risk during Reentry: A Primer for Reentry Professionals
DNA backlog reduction strategy: Law enforcement agency partnerships for a successful biological screening laboratory
Two-year Review of Firearm-related DNA Casework Evidence: A Triage Process to Improve Quality and Efficiency
Two-year Review of Firearm-related DNA Casework Evidence: A Triage Process to Improve Quality and Efficiency
Hot Spots Policing as Part of a City-wide Violent Crime Reduction Strategy: Initial Evidence from Dallas
Hot Spots Policing as Part of a City-wide Violent Crime Reduction Strategy: Initial Evidence from Dallas
Closing Cases Using Gunshot Residue
Not every crime scene will have definitive evidence, such as DNA, to link an individual to a crime. In those cases, law enforcement relies on other evidence to build the burden of proof. NIJ graduate research fellow Dr. Shelby Khandasammy developed a tool to analyze organic gunshot residue and distinguish between different firearms calibers and manufacturers. She joins Marie Garcia, office director for the Office of Criminal Justice Systems at NIJ, to talk about her work and experience as a research fellow.