Moving to Telemental Health in a Child Advocacy Center Environment
Using Telehealth for Behavioral Health in the Criminal Justice System
Helping People Released From Prisons and Jails Find Housing: A State by State Resource Guide
Preparing People for Reentry From Jails and Prisons During the COVID-19 Epidemic
JUSTINFO Newsletter: April 15, 2020
- $850 million available to help public safety agencies address COVID-19 pandemic | BJA
- Approximately $55 million available to fight human trafficking and help trafficking victims | OJP
- Nearly $70 million available from OJP program offices to support reentry efforts | OJP
- OJP announces recent grants awarded through the Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding program | BJA/OJP
- Public comments requested on the reinstatement and update of...
OJJDP News @ a Glance, July/August 2020
COVID-19 Fraud Awareness Resources
Given that the Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding program may be vulnerable to fraud schemes, the Office of Justice Programs shares the following information provided by the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General to increase fraud awareness for our grantee community.
Grantee Update #3: Updated Guidance on Short Term Administrative Relief for Grantees Impacted by COVID-19
June 22, 2020
Dear OJP Award Recipients—
On June 18, 2020, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued OMB memorandum M-20-26, “Extension of Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) due to Loss of Operations,” extending certain flexibilities for administrative relief to funding recipients affected by the loss of operational capacity due to...
OJJDP News @ a Glance, May/June 2020
OJJDP News @ a Glance, May/June 2020
Just Science Podcast: Just COVID-19: The Impact to Supporting Victims of Sexual Assault
Strengthening Connections
Youth mentoring relies on the power of human connections. Maintaining those connections in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic may be challenging, but it is an important and worthwhile effort. As President Trump said, “Mentors serve not only as role models for young people but also as an inspiration to dream big and pursue any goal—regardless of circumstance.”
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency...
Public Safety Officers' Benefits Program: Coronavirus / COVID-19 Update
Children’s Advocacy Centers
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Child abuse takes place in every part of the population and takes many forms. Children suffer from neglect, endure physical and sexual abuse, are exploited by pornographers and sex traffickers, and become collateral victims of drug abuse and other types of maltreatment every single day in America. Fortunately, Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) across the nation are providing critical...
Marshaling Resources to Address Addiction in the Midst of a Pandemic
Our nation is facing a challenging time. The ways in which many of us live our lives have been disrupted by a global pandemic. As our President has said, “defeating this unseen enemy requires the help and commitment of every single American,” and “[we] continue to marshal every resource at America’s disposal in the fight…”
During this time of restricted movement, changing infrastructure, and stretched...