Starting a Sex Offender Program: Reports From Three Communities (From Managing Adult Sex Offenders: A Containment Approach, P 7.1-7.13, 1996, Kim English, Suzanne Pullen, and Linda Jones, eds. - See NCJ-162392)
Criminal Behavior of Gang Members and At-Risk Youths
Mapping Parole Caseloads
Measuring Desiccation Using Qualitative Changes: A Step Toward Determining Regional Decomposition Sequences
TECHBeat, March 2018
Place-based Correlates of Motor Vehicle Theft and Recovery Measuring Spatial Influence Across Neighbourhood Context
Optimal Extraction Methods of THC From Infused Products
State Administering Agencies
Many OJP formula grants are awarded directly to state governments, which then set priorities and allocate funds within that state. For more information on how a state intends to distribute formula grant funds, contact the administering state agency. For each state, a list of formula grant points of contact is available by clicking on that state in the map below, or choosing from the drop menu at the bottom of the page. If you are using grant monies for information technology, you can comply with the special condition by contacting the State and Territory Technology Points of Contact in your state