Children exposed to violence
Intergenerational Transmission of Violence: The Mediating role of Adolescent Psychopathology Symptoms
The Relationship Between Parents Intimate Partner Victimization and Youths Adolescent Relationship Abuse
Gender Differences in Intimate Partner Violence A Predictive Analysis of IPV by Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Exposure During Early Childhood
IPV and the Intergenerational Transmission of Violence
Family Instability and Exposure to Violence in the Early Life Course
A Judicial Checklist for Children and Youth Exposed to Violence
Injuries From Physical Abuse: National Survey of Childrens Exposure to Violence I-III
Office of Justice Programs Annual Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2013
Reasonable Efforts in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases that Involve Domestic Violence
Gun- and Non-Gun-Related Violence Exposure and Risk for Subsequent Gun Carrying Among Male Juvenile Offenders
Change in Externalizing Problems Over Time Among Ethnic Minority Youth Exposed to Violence
Violence Exposure, Continuous Trauma, and Repeat Offending in Female and Male Serious Adolescent Offenders
Exposure to Violence, Trauma, and Juvenile Court Involvement: A Longitudinal Analysis of Mobile Youth and Poverty Study Data (1998-2011)
Children Exposed to Violence
A study of a national sample of American children found that over the past year 60 percent were exposed to violence, crime, or abuse in their homes, schools, and communities. Almost 40 percent of American children were direct victims of 2 or more violent acts, and 1 in 10 were victims of violence 5 or more times. Children are more likely to be exposed to...
A list of OJP topics.