Child pornography
Use of Pornography in the Criminal and Developmental Histories of Sexual Offenders
Field Search
Bibliography of Bibliographies on Criminal Violence
File Marshal: Automatic Extraction of Peer-to-Peer Data
National Strategy for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction: A Report to Congress
Field Search: A Tool for Monitoring Sex Offenders
EXIF: A Format is Worth a Thousand Words
Online Safety for Children: A Primer for Parents and Teachers Videoconference
Just Science Podcast: Just Digital Evidence in the Courts of Appeals
Internet Crimes Against Children
Practitioner's Guide to the Adam Walsh Act
Sex Offender Registry Laws: From Jacob Wetterling to Adam Walsh
Internet-Facilitated Sexual Offending
Lessons Learned: Conducting Research With Victims Portrayed in Sexual Abuse Images and Their Parents
DeepPatrol: Finding Illicit Videos for Law Enforcement
Heroes Honored on Behalf of Missing, Exploited Children
The Department of Justice and the Office of Justice Programs recognized extraordinary individuals and their outstanding work on behalf of missing and exploited children with awards presented yesterday at the annual ceremony for National Missing Children’s Day.
The awardees—a detective with a state-level task force; two firefighters; and multiple law enforcement officers in two separate jurisdictions—were recognized for getting three child pornographers behind bars...