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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Child pornography

Field Search

Date Published
February 2009
Publication Type
Program/Project Description

Internet-Facilitated Sexual Offending

Date Published
July 2015
Publication Type
Research (Applied/Empirical), Report (Study/Research), Report (Grant Sponsored), Literature Review, Issue Overview

Heroes Honored on Behalf of Missing, Exploited Children

The Department of Justice and the Office of Justice Programs recognized extraordinary individuals and their outstanding work on behalf of missing and exploited children with awards presented yesterday at the annual ceremony for National Missing Children’s Day.

2019 NMCD Award
Detective Lorraine Szczepanik of the South Florida Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, or "ICAC," and Broward Sheriff’s Office, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, received the Attorney General’s Special Commendation for her work in getting three child pornographers behind bars. She is shown here with (left) OJP’s Matt Dummermuth and (right) DOJ’s Ed O’Callaghan.

The awardees—a detective with a state-level task force; two firefighters; and multiple law enforcement officers in two separate jurisdictions—were recognized for getting three child pornographers behind bars...