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Reducing Juvenile Recidivism Through Pre-Trial Diversion Programs: A Community's Involvement

NCJ Number
Journal of Juvenile Law Volume: 18 (1997) Issue: Dated: Pages: 186-207
C Panzer
Date Published
22 pages
Statutory and community pretrial diversionary programs for juveniles benefit not only the juveniles but also the community by reducing recidivism.
These programs clear the juvenile justice system of offenders of minor offenses, holding the juveniles accountable for their actions while leaving the formal system freer to concentrate its resources on serious offenders. The programs reflect recognition that the blend of a rehabilitative approach with a punitive one appears to reduce juvenile recidivism more than any singular approach, whether it is the traditional rehabilitative or the punitive approach. Pretrial diversionary programs allow the juvenile offender to avoid the stigma associated with the formal juvenile court system. These programs bridge the gap between parental sanctions that may be too lenient and juvenile sanctions that may be too harsh for first-time offenders. However, statutory pretrial diversionary programs may be adversely affected by reduced funding. Community-sponsored programs, which do not require State or Federal funding and are staffed by community volunteers, therefore have an extremely important function in reducing juvenile recidivism and the need for more prisons. Footnotes

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