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Wave of Violence Coming

NCJ Number
Synfax Weekly Report Dated: (March 27, 1995) Pages: complete issue
G Pavela
Date Published
4 pages
Recent national data about the accelerating rate of violence among juveniles, together with the national movement to encourage people to arm themselves, indicate that violence will increase on university campuses and suggest that university administrators should take action to reduce the risk of campus violence.
A recent study of youth violence issued by the Department of Justice revealed that 25 percent of the males and 8 percent of females in the nine high schools studied had carried a gun to school at least once in the past 9 months; 9.3 percent of students reported having been physically attacked and hurt while at school during the past month. The rate of youth violence is similar in large cities, suburbs, and rural areas. These data, coupled with legislation in many states allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons, make it even more important for schools and colleges to develop effective conflict-resolution programs. Programs such as the Resolving Conflict Creatively Program have components that could be adapted to college campuses. Prevention efforts should include clear policy statements, community and character-building efforts, and improved training for campus police.

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