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Beginning Guidelines for the Development of the Field of Conflict Resolution in Education: School-Based Mediation Programs

NCJ Number
N Howard; F Wampler; P Barnes; P Prutzman; I Roy; P Steinmetz; L Wally
Date Published
4 pages
This document presents recommended guidelines for establishing and operating a school-based mediation program.
The discussion notes that the word guidelines is preferable to the word standards due to the need for flexibility in interpretation and implementation. It also emphasizes the need for the whole school community to understand the principles being taught and to support the mediation program. Methods of developing understanding and commitment include presentations by trainers; training sessions for various groups in the school community; and skits and demonstrations of the mediation process at faculty and parent gatherings. Other issues to be addressed are the training of trainers, the content of the training, the evaluation of trainers, the training of program coordinators, training of program coordinators who want to train students, the training time and content of student training, program evaluation, and the development of cooperation among conflict resolution groups

Sale Source
Nation Assoc for Mediation in Education

205 Hampshire House, Box 33635, Amherst, MA 01003, United States

Publication Type
United States of America