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Recommendations of the Ohio Task Force on Gun Violence

NCJ Number
Date Published
46 pages
A 22-member task force appointed by Ohio's governor in 1994 recommended measures to prevent violence committed with firearms, improve school safety, and improve law enforcement related to controlling gun violence.
Actions recommended by the task force included State-funded community-based violence prevention programs that involve family, religious institutions, schools, youth groups, senior citizens, and others; an active media campaign to reduce violence; and the development of a violence prevention directory and prevention conferences. The task force also recommended that each school system develop and implement a violence control plan; that local, State, and Federal law enforcement agencies increase their cooperation in controlling gun violence; that firearms transactions be subject to additional requirements; and that modern technology be used to increase the criminal history information for the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation to make background checks on prospective handgun purchasers.

Corporate Author
Ohio Governor's Office of Criminal Justice Services

400 East Town Street, Suite 120, Colombus, OH 43215, United States

Sale Source
National Institute of Justice/

Box 6000, Dept F, Rockville, MD 20849, United States

Ohio Governor's Office of Criminal Justice Services

400 East Town Street, Suite 120, Colombus, OH 43215, United States

Publication Type
Legislation/Policy Analysis
United States of America
Youth Violence and Guns