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NCJ Number
School Safety Dated: (Winter 1993) Pages: 4-7
B D Brooks
Date Published
4 pages
Awareness of the behavioral indicators of potential violence can aid school administrators and other school staff in preventing fights and other conflicts on or off campus and in being prepared to act promptly if a crisis occurs.
Signs of impending conflict include a sudden shift in the clustering of students, a sudden clustering of rival groups, unusual movement of a group from its normal territory, or a group of students appearing at an activity that they normally would not attend. Other indicators are isolated racial or intergroup fights, an incident or disorder in the community at large, the sudden appearance of underground publications complaining of inequality of disciplinary treatment, or a disproportionate number of disciplinary actions. Further signs include a sudden increase in organized demands from students, complaints about a lack of grievance procedures, the discovery of weapons in or near school, increased incidents on buses, warnings from nonteaching staff, an increase in graffiti, and parents withdrawing their children from school. School administrators can reduce violence and develop a safer school climate by establishing and enforcing written rules, actively involving parents, not allowing graffiti, being highly visible, keeping security personnel moving, fencing the campus, keeping the campus clean, and shortening periods between classes. They should also keeping staff members informed about potential problems, deal with rumors as if they are true, isolate combatants, avoid running to the scene of action, and deal with threats as if they were acts of violence. Additional recommendations

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Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Technical Assistance)
United States of America
Adapted from "Strategies for Reducing Violence on the School Campus" by B. David Brooks, published by Jefferson Center for Character Education