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Status of Knowledge in the Federal Republic of Germany (From Politiques de Prevention de la Delinquance. A l'Aune de la Recherche, P 43-56, 1991, Philippe Robert, ed. See NCJ- 137844)

NCJ Number
H-J Albrecht
Date Published
14 pages
This research survey focuses on drug abuse prevention, the prevention of juvenile delinquency, the role of the community in crime prevention, the prevention of recidivism, and the feelings of fear and insecurity in the German population.
Recent German studies on the prevention of drug abuse explore the prevalence and incidence of drug use, the treatment of drug addicts, and strategies to reduce supply and demand. In the prevention of juvenile delinquency, the studies of the 1980's have concentrated on two subgroups of delinquent juveniles: ethnic minorities and the chronically delinquent. Researchers advance two theories concerning the role of community involvement in crime prevention: (1) community efforts should be integrated with national preventive efforts and (2) communities should maintain their own independent prevention programs. In the prevention of recidivism, centralized efforts in collaboration with the court systems have received most attention, while local efforts have been the subject of few studies. Last, recent research has blamed the media rather than actual experiences with crime for the feelings of fear and insecurity in Germany. 52 references

Sale Source
Editions L'Harmattan

5-7 rue de I'Ecole-Polytechnique, 75005 Paris France, France

Publication Type