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Waging the Battle Against Drunk Driving

NCJ Number
G R Robin
Date Published
156 pages
This book emphasizes the need to recognize the serious social problem of driving drunk, which is one of the most common types of illegal conduct in the U.S. It presents a comprehensive analysis of society's emerging response to the phenomenon of DWI, the offenders involved, and the factors responsible for challenging and changing the status quo mentality and policies of benign neglect regarding the crime and its perpetrators.
The book discusses the various developments, innovations, issues, and controversies related to the contemporary anti-drunk driving campaign in this country. This nationwide reform agenda is based on a deterrence model of containment and is characterized by an eclectic variety of drunk driving countermeasures. The first chapter defines DWI and related concepts, outlines its prevalence, and describes the background against which new strategies, techniques, and procedures have been implemented. The following chapters deal with various aspects of the detection, processing, and disposition of offenders including sobriety checkpoints, preliminary breath tests, administrative license suspension, prosecution and defense of drunk drivers, and mandatory sentencing for convicted offenders. Other issues analyzed in this book include the impact of mandatory sentences on the criminal justice system, non-cruel and unusual punishment, and third party liability for alcohol-related accidents.

Sale Source
Greenwood Publishing Group

Judith Lipner, 88 Post Road West, P.O. Box 5007, Westport, CT 06881-5007, United States

Publication Type
United States of America
Contributions in Criminology and Penology, No. 32.