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Police Psychology - Collected Papers

NCJ Number
M Reiser
Date Published
363 pages
A collection of papers deals with the range of activities and considerations of the psychologist working within a law enforcement agency, including stress, suicide, mental health, the police personality, and hostage negotiation.
Following a discussion of the police psychologist, training programs for police sergeants which instruct them in the warning signs of emotional problems are portrayed. Chapters focusing on psychological consultation include discussions of an evaluation of police behavioral science services, police consultations, and a jail division study. Psychological research in an urban police department is also considered, and a series of papers on mental health considers police officers as mental health agents and mental health in police work and training. A section on psychological testing includes consideration of selection and promotion, police profiles and psychological assessment, and the psychological assessment of barricaded suspects and hostage negotiators. A section on stress deals with some organizational stresses on police officers, stress and adaptation in police work, and the management of job-related stress. Other general topics discussed are police divorce, police suicide, police officer wives, the use of suggestibility in hostage negotiations, hypnosis, psychics and major crimes, crime and delinquency, and grant proposals for various projects centered in psychological concerns in a police department. About 500 bibliographic entries are provided, along with a subject index.

Sale Source
National Institute of Justice/

Box 6000, Dept F, Rockville, MD 20849, United States

Lehi Publishing Co

303 Gretna Green Way, Los Angeles, CA 90049, United States

United States of America