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PDMPs and Third Party Payers Meeting, December 2012: Report of Proceedings

NCJ Number
Date Published
April 2014
34 pages

These proceedings, prepared by the PDMP (Prescription Drug Monitoring Program) Center of Excellence at Brandeis University, presents the proceedings of the PDMPs and Third Party Payer Meeting held in Washington, DC, in December 2012.


The purpose of the meeting was to explore the potential benefits and mechanisms resulting from third party payer use of PDMP data. Attendees at the meeting included representatives from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, workers compensation programs, third party payers such as major health insurance companies, and officials from State and Federal Government agencies tasked with handling the problem of prescription drug abuse. The workgroups set up at the meeting focused on a series of issues aimed at gaining further insight into third party payer use of PDMP data, how the use could be implemented and regulated, and how to overcome barriers to use of the data. Background information in this document covers the prescription drug abuse epidemic, the purpose and function of PDMPs, the value of PDMP data for third party payers, and the experience of Washington State in using PDMPs. Appendix A of the document presents the finds of the eight workgroups: 1) Sharing Prescription History Data with Third Party Payers; 2) Protecting PDMP Data and Ensuring Appropriate Use; 3) Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to Data Sharing; 4) Evaluating Data Sharing Collaborations; 5) Sharing Data with Health Care Systems; 6) Identifying Questionable Activity by Providers; 7) Third Party Payer Support for PDMPs; and 8) Enhancing Drug Abuse Referral and Treatment. Appendix B is a list of attendees at the meeting. Appendixes

Grant Number(s)
Sponsoring Agency
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)

999 N. Capitol St. NE, Washington, DC 20531, United States

Corporate Author
Prescription Monitoring Programs Ctr of Excellence

Brandeis University, United States

Sale Source
Prescription Monitoring Programs Ctr of Excellence

Brandeis University, United States

Publication Format
Document (Online)
United States of America