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From Chocolate to Morphine

NCJ Number
Andrew Weil, M.D.; Winifred Rosen
Date Published
256 pages
This book provides a comprehensive examination of drugs and drug use for teenagers and parents.
This book covers a wide range of available substances that fit the definition of drug, from coffee to marijuana, to antihistamines, to psychedelics, to steroids, to the new "smart drugs." Described are the likely effects of each drug, precautions that should be taken, and alternatives. Each section provides information to teenagers for informed and intelligent decision making on what to expect if they use a described substance. Subjects covered include: what is a drug; why do people use drugs; what are the different types of drugs; relationships drug users have with drugs; what are stimulants; what are depressants; what are psychedelics and hallucinogens; what is marijuana; experimenting with solvents, inhalants, deliriants, PCP, and ketamine; what are the characteristics of drugs classified as medical drugs, herbal remedies, and smart drugs; when is there a problem with drugs; and what are the alternatives to taking drugs. Also included are first-person accounts and comments concerning drug taking experiences. Appendix, glossary, and index

Sale Source
Houghton Mifflin Co

222 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116-3764, United States

Publication Format
Book (Softbound)
Publication Type
Reference Material
United States of America