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Missouri's Eastern District Finds Success with Work Force Initiative

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 70 Issue: 4 Dated: August 2008 Pages: 62-65
Scott Weygandt; Scott Anders; Felix Mata
Date Published
August 2008
4 pages
This article examines the U.S. Probation Department’s Defendant/Offender Workforce Development Initiative in the Eastern Judicial District of Missouri.
The article notes that the U.S. Probation Department in the Eastern Judicial District of Missouri (ED/MO) has been recognized as having one of the best Defendant/Offender Workforce Development Initiatives (DOWD) in the country. Since the inception of ED/MO’s workforce development program, the major outcome indicators (revocation, rearrest, and unemployment) have steadily decreased. Several factors are cited for the success of this program, to include: staff competency in providing quality employment services to clients; effective community and State and local partnerships; training; conference participation; job fairs; and increased use of technology. Additional technology initiatives being planned or implemented are also discussed, such as an electronic referral process using employment software to assist with identifying qualified applicants for job postings, and increased use of the Probation Automated Case Tracking system to enhance employment and outcome tracking. This collaborative systems approach to reentry has been replicated in partnerships throughout the Untied States and is said to be creating a workforce culture in correctional systems. The program is cited as having implications as a model for partnerships under the Federal Second Chance Act. 6 notes

Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
United States of America