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Use of Force (Reasonable and Deadly) for Educators, Law Enforcement, Public Safety and Security

NCJ Number
Sheila A. Bolin; Fanchon F. Funk; Richard A. Flesch; William G. Osborne
Date Published
152 pages
Use of force by Florida educators and law enforcement, public safety, and security officers always has the potential for liability; in an effort to help such persons avoid such liability, this book provides knowledge of Florida State and school board policies on the use of force; adequate training in assault countermeasures and self-defense; and instruction in appropriate action, proper conduct, and detailed documentation.
The first chapter discusses legal and liability issues in the use of force. Topics covered are the use of force in educational settings, intervention, search and seizure, documentation, various standards for use of force, and civil and criminal liability. The second chapter presents a use-of-force matrix for law enforcement and educators. A chapter on the prevention of assault considers habits and precautions for education personnel and safety measures for officers. Psychological fitness is considered in another chapter, which addresses personality profiles, positive projection, and an analysis of reaction time. A discussion of warnings of violent action in the fifth chapter focuses on verbal warnings and nonverbal signals. A description of de-escalation techniques in Chapter 6 focuses on dialog, stance, proximity, and positioning. Topics addressed in a chapter on countermeasures/self-defense are pressure points, striking, blocking, "transporters," releases and escape techniques, ground fighting, and fight intervention. Gang activity is discussed in the final chapter. Issues covered are gang identifiers, characteristics, hand signals, graffiti, contact and interview skills, and assessment for school administrators. A 46-item bibliography, a glossary, 64 illustrations, a subject index, and appended sample use-of-force report, current law on searches of students by school officials, Florida State cases dealing with searches of students, and school crime reported by students

Sale Source
Gould Publications, Inc

1333 North US Highway 17-92, Longwood, FL 32750-3724, United States

Publication Format
Book (Softbound)
Publication Type
Instructional Material
United States of America