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Youth Service: Beyond Noblesse Oblige

NCJ Number
School Safety Dated: (Winter 1990) Pages: 12-14
C Johnson
Date Published
3 pages
Efforts to involve youth in community service activities are spreading and involving youths from all economic backgrounds, races, and ethnicities, not just those who are fortunate and who have the time to help those who are less fortunate.
These programs build self-esteem and give young people meaningful roles in their communities. The current programs include school-based service programs; programs based on college campuses; conservation and urban corps programs involving youths on work crews to improve parks or communities while receiving modest compensation; and part-time community service or city service programs, including some focused on the summer months. Other programs are sponsored or cosponsored by traditional youth-serving agencies and religious organizations. For these programs to succeed, communitywide encouragement and support are essential. Issues that must be addressed include transportation, scheduling, safety, liability, and financing. Descriptions and addresses of programs in Baltimore, San Antonio, Tex., and New York City, and addresses of 10 resource organizations are included.