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NCJ Number
B Checkoway; J Finn
Date Published
87 pages
This report presents the results of a pilot study of exemplary planning for and participation in community-based youth programs.
Community-based youth initiatives enable people to organize and plan programs and services for youth at the community level. They include efforts to enhance education, employment, housing, health care, and other community systems. They organize groups for social action, plan community programs, develop community-based resources, and involve people in the decisions that affect their lives. They may receive funding from external sources, but their management and control are by local residents. These initiatives promote the well-being of youth by providing tangible benefits and increasing their involvement in beneficial activities. The initiatives in this report were selected by a national body of informed persons in collaboration with a project advisory group. The case studies presented are from Minneapolis, Minn.; Chicago, Ill.; Indianapolis, Ind.; New York, N.Y.; Washington, D.C.; Selma, Ala.; Albuquerque, N. Mex.; Los Angeles, Calif.; and Belle Courche, S.D. Each case study includes background information on the initiative, a description of the activities and achievements, and an analysis of some factors that affect participation. The concluding section of the report identifies some common themes of these exemplary programs. Appended contact persons, an interview schedule, a youth interview schedule, and 21 references