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Young Offenders Project

NCJ Number
A Gilchrist; K Young; R Elliott
Date Published
38 pages
An attempt was made to assess the viability of a "young inmates only" prison by establishing the nature and extent of problems faced by young prisoners.
Two surveys were conducted in mid-1986, one targeting custodial and prison service officers and the other including inmates. The 208 inmates, 33 prison officers, and 45 civilian staff were drawn from 13 gaols representative of security levels in the New South Wales System and close to Sydney. The sample included 144 inmates who were under 21 years, 31 inmates of 21-24 years, and 32 inmates of 25 years and older. The study findings failed to support a system of prisoner management using "young inmates only" prisons. Areas examined included corruption of younger inmates by older prisoners, violence in gaols, and inmate use of support services. Inmate experience revealed: older inmates most often advised young prisoners to "go straight;" young inmates were as likely as older inmates to assault other prisoners; misuse of protection perpetuated the "at risk" status of inmates using it; and older inmates made more use of support services than young inmates. 12 figures, 10 tables, 4 appendixes, and 23 references (author abstract modified)