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WISER (Wait, Identify, Solutions, Evaluate, Reinforce) Way - A Cognitive-Behavioral Model for Group Social Skills Training With Juvenile Delinquents

NCJ Number
Social Work With Groups Volume: 4 Issue: 3 and 4 Dated: (Fall/Winter 1981) Pages: 37-48
J M deLange; J A Barton; S L Lanham
Date Published
12 pages
A model of social skills training combining behavioral training with a problem-solving process, called the WISER Way, was developed and used with mixed-sex groups of incarcerated juveniles.
Problematic interpersonal situations were developed from the institution's population and presented via videotape. Peer models, also videotaped, demonstrated the problem-solving process and an appropriate response. Empirical investigation and use in various settings is encouraged. (Author abstract)