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What Parents Should Know About Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice

NCJ Number
W K Brown
Date Published
19 pages
This booklet attempts to answer some of the questions parents commonly ask about juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice.
Nearly every child will commit at least one delinquent act before reaching adulthood. While occasional delinquency is often associated with immaturity, continued delinquency is usually caused by deeper problems. Continued delinquents generally come from homes where at least one problem has lasted for a long time. In addition, neighborhoods where crime, delinquency, and other disapproved behaviors are present can influence a child's tendency toward delinquency. Negative school experiences and poor peer relationships also affect behavior. The question-and-answer format of the booklet examines the role of mental or physical handicaps in delinquency, when delinquency begins, the effect of social experiences on delinquency, status offenses, delinquency detection, the juvenile justice system, juvenile court referral, police involvement with juveniles, and legal rights of children. Consideration is also given to problems associated with juvenile delinquency, delinquent acts and inappropriate childhood behavior, family approaches to preventing delinquency, and services available to help with delinquency.