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Victims of Crime Act Victim Compensation and Victim Assistance Formula Grant Programs

NCJ Number
Date Published
March 2021
2 pages

This document discusses the various Victims of Crime Act formula grant programs, providing brief explanations of each program as well as funding eligibility.


This overview document discusses programs funded by the 1984 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Victim Compensation Formula Grant Program and the VOCA Victim Assistance Formula Grant Program. It provides brief descriptions of the VOCA formula grant programs; victim compensation formula grants; victim assistance formula grants; and eligibility to access VOCA Victim Assistance Formula Funds, stating that organizations and federally recognized tribes that serve human trafficking may be eligible to receive funding so they can meet anti-trafficking needs. VOCA Victim Assistance Grants allows states to provide subgrants to local community-based organizations, governmental agencies, and tribal entities providing services directly to victims. Those services may include crisis counseling, shelter, transportation, therapy, telephone and onsite information and referrals, criminal justice support and advocacy, and more. VOCA grants may also be used to develop new, or enhance existing, programs that address victim service needs.