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The Victim-Offender Overlap in Late Adulthood

NCJ Number
Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect Volume: 30 Issue: 2 Dated: 2018 Pages: 144-166
Michael D. Reisig; Kristy Holtfreter
Date Published
23 pages
This study contributes to the general knowledge of the victim-offender overlap by determining whether the phenomenon exists among older adults and whether known correlates of crime and victimization explain the relationship.

Cross-sectional survey data from telephone interviews conducted with individuals 60 years and older (N = 2,000) residing in Arizona and Florida were used to estimate confirmatory factor models for both victimization and criminal offending. The results from a series of multivariate regression models indicate that victimization was associated with criminal offending. Although factors such as low self-control, depression, and spending time in commercial drinking establishments partially attenuate the victimization-crime link, the statistically significant relationship persisted in a multivariate context. Further testing indicates that the observed findings are robust across measurement and modeling strategies. Coupled with prior research, the results support the argument that the victim-offender overlap exists (and is difficult to explain) over the life course. (publisher abstract modified)