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Use of Health Hazard Appraisal in a Prison Population

NCJ Number
Journal of Prison and Jail Health Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring/Summer 1982) Pages: 58-66
B C Smith
Date Published
9 pages
The study used a Health Hazard Appraisal in the Utah State Prison as a vehicle to counsel 142 inmates on their specific health risk factors.
An adjacent community population was also tested to illustrate gross health differentials experienced by inmates. Data obtained from a specially designed questionnaire and physical exam was processed through a computer to give individualized feedback on health status. This report showed the number of weighted risk factors and their relationship to the inmate's health. An appraised age was given which could be compared to the inmate's chronological age. The results were reviewed individually with inmates, and methods of correcting health hazards were emphasized so that inmates could plan means to achieve or approach their compliant age. High-risk populations were identified and the means of reducing the risk were briefly explored as an example of the epidemiological value of the Health Hazard Appraisal. Study data and nine references are provided. (Author abstract modified)


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