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Urban Teachers and Dropout-Prone Students: The Uneasy Partners (From Dropouts from School: Issues, Dilemmas, and Solutions, P 113-128, 1989, Lois Weis, Eleanor Farrar, et al., eds. -- See NCJ-129690)

NCJ Number
C Payne
Date Published
16 pages
The role of teachers in preventing school dropout rates in urban areas is discussed as a separate issue and in relation to the stay in school students and teachers.
Popular conceptions of the causes of the dropout problem separate the problem of the students from the problem of teachers. In order to effectively deal with the dropout problem the overall context of schooling needs to be considered. Concentrating on the characteristics of the dropout reinforces the tendency of educators to locate the problem outside the school environment. Research on successful dropout prevention and reentry programs supports this tendency to minimize what happens in schools. Programs are aimed at enhancement of self-image, alternative high schools, separation of dropouts from stay in schools, Big Brother programs, drug abuse counseling, and computer-based instruction. In addition to developing a positive student teacher relationship and a sense of community, a successful dropout prevention program needs to provide the students with a choice in academic programs, an opportunity to function as a member of a social group, and an opportunity to achieve success in their work. 23 notes


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