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Turkish Prisons and Conditions of Confinement

NCJ Number
American Jails Volume: 3 Issue: 4 Dated: (Winter 1990) Pages: 91-95
M Turker
Date Published
5 pages
Based on site visits to a sample of maximum-security Turkish prisons, this technical assistance report on the prisons focuses on juvenile incarceration, physical facilities, food service, health service, and visitation.
Juvenile and adult inmates are not separated in Turkish prisons, as required under international standards, and there is no established governmental policy towards achieving such separation. Although the Turkish Bureau of Prisons believes it has no crowding problem since the current inmate population is less than available bed space, the bed space is achieved by putting beds side-by-side, wall-to-wall in dormitories. Dormitory capacity ranges from 50 to 90 beds. There is one toilet for approximately 25 people and one washbasin for 50 people. There are no laundry facilities. Inmates may bathe every 2 weeks. There is neither appropriate equipment nor space to prepare and eat meals, and the diet does not provide adequate nutrition. Although the prisons visited had full-time doctors, there was no structured health care delivery system. Noncontact visitation is allowed for 1 hour every 2 weeks, and contact visitation is permitted on special holidays. There is no privacy due to poor acoustics in the visitation booths.