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Trigemino-Cardiac Reflex as Lethal Mechanism in a Suicidal Fire Death Case

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 59 Issue: 3 Dated: May 2014 Pages: 833-835
Riccardo Rossi M.D.; Maria Lodise M.D.; Massimo Lancia M.D.; Mauro Bacci M.D.; Fabio De-Giorgio Ph.D.; Fidelia Cascini Ph.D.
Date Published
May 2014
3 pages
In the vast majority of immediate fire deaths, the mechanism of death is inhalation of toxic gases especially carbon monoxide, direct thermal injury, or neurogenic shock due to the redistribution of the body's blood volume produced by surface heat on the skin
In the vast majority of immediate fire deaths, the mechanism of death is inhalation of toxic gases especially carbon monoxide, direct thermal injury, or neurogenic shock due to the redistribution of the body's blood volume produced by surface heat on the skin. We present a suicidal case that is unusual because the mechanism of immediate fire death could arguably be explained in terms of a primitive autonomic reflex/the trigemino-cardiac reflex. Although this reflex is well known to surgeons and anesthetists, with possible lethal consequences in the course of invasive surgical procedures on the head and neck region, it is much less familiar to forensic pathologists. Abstract published by arrangement with Wiley.

