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Trial Considerations in the Investigation and Prosecution of Child Sexual Abuse Cases: Part 1; Interviewing and Preparing Young Children in Sexual Abuse Cases

NCJ Number
K R Freeman
Date Published
56 pages
This report analyzes the trial consequences of the various activities associated with interviewing and preparing child abuse victims for testimony.
As most experienced police and prosecutors know, young children cannot pinpoint dates and times with specificity. This points to the necessity for an effective interview and charging policy. Guidelines are given for interviewing and preparing children for testimony in child sexual abuse cases. These ideas are based upon the principle that with proper preparation, most of the everyday problems prosecutors encounter can be solved. The solution is based upon understanding a little about child development and the way a child thinks. An effort has been made to anticipate possible defense and to insulate against bogus claims which might otherwise interfere with the proper presentation of testimony. For example, major problems can be introduced into the case if the subject of punishment is not handled properly when talking to victims and their parents. Therefore, the subject of punishment of the suspect should be avoided. 27 footnotes and 4 figures