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Training for Expansion and Effectiveness of Manpower in Adult Community Correctional Programs - Project TEEM - Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
164 pages
The final report evaluating the State of Oregon's Project T.E.E.M. (Training for Expansion and Effectiveness in Manpower in Adult Community Correctional Programs), is presented; study methods, findings, and recommendations are emphasized.
Project T.E.E.M. was funded in order to improve the quality and quantity of services to probation and parole clients by application of an innovative case management model characterized by the use of paraprofessional and subprofessional staff as integral parts of correctional field services teams. A timestudy was designed and implemented in the final quarter of 1972 as one means of investigating the operational status of the project. It was anticipated that a time-task analysis of team role functioning would shed light on the actual operation of the case management model, the direction of service delivery, and cost/benefit indicators. The study was conceptualized so that time allotments by role could be analyzed in a multidimensional manner. Data were collected from 32 staff members and through 9 volunteer monthly logs. In designing the study, particular attention was paid to eliciting data which were reflective of actual operations. Results of analysis of time-task configurations suggested that there is relatively little functional differentiation between team roles. The differentation that was elicited suggested that team leaders have not sacrificed their roles as direct treatment agents in order to become administrators, as was anticipated. The total proportion of time spent in direct client contact appeared quite respectable. However, results suggest that there is disproportionate emphasis on information gathering and processing activities over more dynamic treatment-oriented activities. Study results suggest that the case management model has taken root only to a limited degree, if it is defined in terms of team members functioning in differential roles in order to enable clients to reintegrate into their community through emphasis on linkage into community resources. Despite these findings, cost/benefit indicators strongly support the inclusion of paraprofessional and subprofessional staff on teams. Charts, tables, and appendixes of related material are provided. (Author abstract modified).