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Three Emerging Issues Confronting Law Enforcement

NCJ Number
Law and Order Volume: 38 Issue: 11 Dated: (November 1990) Pages: 71-73
J R Vaughn
Date Published
3 pages
Three emerging issues confronting law enforcement are escalating crime and violence in the midst of severe criminal justice resource limitations, police ethics challenges, and increased social unrest.
Crime and violence have increased at a rate that has exceeded that predicted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics in 1987. Through 1989, the Nation experienced a 191-percent increase in violent crime over the past two decades and a 256-percent increase in both Part I and Part II index crimes. This does not take into account unreported crime. Americans face a diminished quality of life in their neighborhoods due to crime and the fear of crime. This is occurring at a time of severe strain on criminal justice resources. All criminal justice components must do more with less if an acceptable measure of social control is to be maintained. Police ethics challenges will arise as police are expected to counter the tide of crime. The public fervor to clear crimes will tempt police to take short cuts in investigations and ignore due process rights. Police executives must provide the leadership required to ensure that the principles of due process are followed. Increased social unrest will lead to more sophisticated protester tactics. Under such tactics, the professionalism and restraint of the police will be put to the test.