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Third Evaluation of the Lucas Country Adult Probation Department's 'Incarceration Diversion Unit'

NCJ Number
E J Latessa
Date Published
69 pages
This evaluation report focuses on quantitative measurement of the performance objectives of the Incarceration Diversion Unit (IDU) of the Lucas County Adult Probation Department (Ohio), which provides intensive probation supervision to persons diverted after receiving a prison sentence.
The primary objectives of the IDU are to reduce State commitments from Lucas County, provide intensive probation services, and maintain community safety at a cost less than traditional incarceration. This evaluation focuses on inhouse measures of performance; contacts, services, and background variables as well as outcome measures; recidivism and criminal behavior; and positive adjustment, employment, commitment reduction, and cost. The IDU group was matched with a comparison sample of regular probationers, except that the IDU sample had higher needs at program entry. The IDU clients received significantly more contacts than the comparison sample, although the IDU fell short of the goal of four contacts per month. The IDU also provided more services to more clients than the comparison sample, especially employment and counseling services. Overall, the recidivism data showed that the IDU had significantly more offenders incarcerated on felonies and convicted for misdemeanors, while the comparison group had significantly more technical violations filed. The criminal behavior severity index showed that the IDU group had significantly more severe criminal behavior than the comparison group, although the positive adjustment scale indicated no significant difference between the two groups. The IDU reduced the county commitment rate by 14.4 percent for the evaluation period and by 18.8 percent for the entire program period (42 months). In determining cost savings from the reduction in State commitment through diversion, the IDU showed a net savings of over $674,000 for the program period, using the most conservative estimates. Finally, the IDU sample showed an increase in employment of 13.5 percent while the comparison sample had a decrease in actual employment of .1 percent. Tabular data and 11 footnotes are provided.

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