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Texans' War on Drugs: A National Model

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 55 Issue: 6 Dated: (June 1988) Pages: 37,41
B Barron
Date Published
2 pages
Texans' War on Drugs, federally funded and State administered since its inception in 1979, focuses on legislation, law enforcement, and preventive education.
The project's legislative committee succeeded in securing the enactment of a package of five bills that significantly increased the scope and severity of penalties for trafficking and delivery to minors and includes the triplicate prescription bill and professional license revocation for the diversion of legal drugs to illegal purposes. The project's law enforcement committee has focused on training local law enforcement officers and providing incentives for drug law enforcement efforts. Regional seminars are offered at no charge. Regarding preventive education, regional field offices provide technical assistance in mobilizing communities to develop preventive initiatives. Most Texas towns now have functioning prevention programs. Activities include school drug education programs, volunteer services, essay contests, and speakers' bureaus. Texans' War on Drugs cooperates at the national level, as representatives often make presentations at national conferences and aid other States in the development of similar statewide efforts.